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- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
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- From: taranr <>
- Subject: Re: Carl Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World"
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- Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions
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- References: <31CC5DD3.B82@students.wisc.edu>
- Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 13:35:14 GMT
- Lines: 75
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:89303 alt.paranet.ufo:54326 sci.skeptic:73937
- ==========Brian Zeiler, 6/22/96==========
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- Dave Eriqat wrote:
- > I don't wish to impugn your friends' credibility [her friends claimed to
- have
- > seen a UFO hovering above their heads]
- Yet you will anyway...
- > but according to Sagan, and he is
- > convincing through the use of many examples, virtually all UFO sightings
- fall
- > into the following categories:
- >
- > 1) Hallucinations. [snip]
- > 2) Misinterpretations. [snip]
- > 3) Confabulations. [snip]
- Sorry, Dave, but you're not thinking critically here. Sagan is not a UFO
- researcher. Sagan knows nothing about UFO history or cases. That's why
- Stan Friedman regularly rips him apart in mail letters, and that's also
- why Sagan has never had the guts to debate Friedman publicly, despite a
- constant open invitation for about a decade or so.
- Sagan's goal in discussing UFOs is to dissuade the reader from
- investigating them and treating them as an anomalous phenomenon that
- merits scientific inquiry. He regularly distorts the evidence, as will be
- proven below, and he offers no insight of any value whatsoever. It's a
- dissuasion effort, nothing more. In fact, I would give Klass more credit
- as a debunker than Sagan, because although Klass's explanations are
- frequently demolished as pseudoscientific garbage, at least Klass
- *investigates*. Sagan does not.
- > Sagan also discusses the total lack of _physical_ evidence, something which
- I
- > have always complained about also. Where is there a "flying saucer" or an
- > "alien body" on display in a museum for all to examine?
- This is a completely absurd line of reasoning. You're effectively using
- the lack of physical proof as somewhat of a disproof of alien visitation,
- which relies on the converse syllogism that alien visitation implies
- availability of physical proof. Hence, you are implicitly making a claim
- that you have not substantiated. However, if you think rationally about
- this syllogism, do you really think that IF aliens were visiting, we
- would thus have access to physical proof? Do you think they would drop
- vehicle chunks on the ground, dump their alien garbage in our landfills,
- drop their dead colleagues overboard, and flick their alien cigarettes
- overboard? Or, will you be logical and admit that, if aliens are
- visiting, most witnesses have a hard time shooting down their
- high-performance vehicles?
- >I think that in addition to that it is quite apperant that the only evidence
- that people will ever really accept is the body or vehicle of an alien
- species. And maybe not even the alien vehicle. Which brings me to my main
- point which is does anyone think that if a saucer did crash, that the U.S.
- government would allow the story to get out? Is anyone that gullible?
- -Bob Tarantino